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How Pregnancy Changes Your BodyFebruary 13, 2019

Pregnancy is a great experience in itself. Many mothers, especially first timers, think once the baby is born, their body will go back to what it looked like before pregnancy. Doctors and scientists across the world agree, with proper rest, after delivery care, diet and exercise, it is possible that a woman’s body will look similar but some post delivery changes are permanent. Here we list some of these post pregnancy body changes, including physical and lifestyle changes reported in a woman’s body after delivery of a baby, which can be well countered with adequate understanding, acceptance and patience.

1. Hair changes

This is probably one of the first of changes you will notice during your post delivery care period. Sudden hair fall after delivery is quite common and this phase may last up to a year or less. After childbirth the high levels of oestrogen drop sharply resulting in hair loss or hair fall after pregnancy. These levels gradually return to normal with time and the rate of hair growth normalizes to pre-pregnancy state. These changes are completely normal. Hair loss period happens for around the first 3-4 months after childbirth.

2. Breast changes

The first milk that a mothers’ breasts makes is called ‘colostrum’ – this milk is richer, creamier and is loaded with antibodies. This ‘colostrum’ is absolutely necessary and important for the child as it strengthens the immune system and protects the child from infections. Colostrum is present in a very small amount and during this period, lactation maybe uneasy as the breasts are swollen, sore and extremely tender. Once the milk starts producing, the soreness and swelling will subside and make breastfeeding more comfortable. A lot of women expect their breasts to get bigger before and after birth, especially if they continue breastfeeding.  Sagging of breasts is commonly seen and in a few cases, mothers may also notice milk leakage for several weeks, even after discontinuation of feeding, all of which are normal. It’s not uncommon for women to drop a cup size after pregnancy and breastfeeding. They get bigger at first, because the dormant fat tissue in the breast gets replaced by functional tissue in preparation for breastfeeding. But these larger breasts don't last forever. After a woman stops breastfeeding, that functional tissue tapers off, because it's not being used anymore. And then it's not immediately replaced by fat, because the fat is already gone. If the woman gets pregnant again, then the process will repeat. And if the woman gains a lot of weight after a pregnancy, then she'll replace those fat cells in her breasts.

3. Body weight

In the postpartum period when the body shape changes after pregnancy, the excess weight gained during pregnancy which is generally about 11 kilograms is slowly lost. At birth, depending on your gestation period and the baby’s weight you should lose anywhere between 3-6 KG. Your body then eliminates all the extra water retained during pregnancy along with extra water retained in the cells. Initially, you will frequent pass urine and sweat profusely. Post pregnancy, with the breast feeding, proper diet and exercise continuous and gradual weight loss is possible.

4. Skin changes

Being a mother can set in stress and fatigue. This can not only affect your health but also your skin. There is also the ongoing hormonal fluctuation. Some women with otherwise clear skin may experience more breakouts in the months after delivery. On the other hand, women with problematic skin during pregnancy may show improvement after giving birth. Most women complain of darkened patches or zones of dark skin (along the lining of the lips, nose, cheeks and forehead) a condition known as ‘Melasma’. If you are one of such moms, don’t worry much. These darkened areas will fade as long as you ensure your skin is protected from the harmful rays of the sun. Stretch marks are certain during pregnancy and can be taken care by the use of special oils and lotions. Stretch marks too tend to fade with time.

5. Vaginal structure changes

Due to intense stretching of the pelvic floor during pregnancy, the vaginal muscles become lax and this area may feel stretched out. It may not entirely go back to how it used to be earlier as the bladder, rectum and uterus tend to drop after labour. This takes a few weeks to resolve. Exercises help in speedy recovery process of the body changes, after your baby is born. It is best to consult your gynaecologist before you begin any exercise, especially if you have had an episiotomy or a C-section.

6. Abdominal changes

Immediately post-delivery, the uterus remains partially contracted and relatively heavy (weighing around a kilogram) and is felt as a small round lump. You may have “after pains” which is basically the uterus contracting to the pre pregnancy size.  With proper after birth care and medication, in about 6 weeks time, it will weigh only about 30-50 gms. This is known as the uterine involution.

Remember the “Linea nigra” or the dark line that you developed during pregnancy? That too will fade off in a few months.

However, the pregnancy stretch marks over the abdomen persist for a longer period of time. Stretch marks develop whenever the abdomen changes drastically in size (acutely or over a period of time). These are bright red during the pregnancy, which eventually turn silver in color and shiny. Generally, most women will have some residual abdominal fat post-delivery, otherwise called the belly bulge. Basic abdominal exercises can help you regain a leaner shape.

7. Belly bulge

You give birth, you lose your belly, right? Well, not that fast. After you give birth, lots of women expect that their belly will return to its normal size almost immediately. It takes about 6-8 weeks before the uterus is back to its pre-pregnancy size. During pregnancy and after delivery, exercise and a healthy diet are key to getting your body back in shape (under the direction of your gynaecologist, of course).Core exercises that focus on your belly do help in toning your baby bulge. Check out our blogs and videos on after delivery food and after delivery exercise.

8. Urinary and bowel problems

Due to excessive stretching of the bladder muscles, new mothers usually experience incontinence (involuntary passing of urine). A few mothers may experience haemorrhoids (blood in stools caused by swollen blood vessels at your rectum), uncomfortable bowel movements or constipation, as the food moving through your intestines may slow down during delivery. Lifestyle changes – a healthy diet with plenty of fibers and getting adequate sleep help new mothers’ to deal with these issues.

9. Sexual drive

One troublesome change post-delivery, probably for both the parents is the reduced urge for intimacy or sexual contact in the mother. Not surprising, since she has gone through a lot to bring a baby in this world. Now that the baby is born, the new baby is almost entirely dependent upon her. Apart from the caring and post delivery care, the main culprit being ‘oestrogen’ or the female hormone, which maintains the sexual drive. It gradually increases during pregnancy and has immediate drop post childbirth. These levels gradually normalize with time and hence isn’t much to worry about. Also contributing to the cause of a reduced sex drive are the inhibitions because of the pain in the genital region and mainly the stress and inability to manage time with the constant responsibility of the baby added.

If you have any further questions, post them in the comments below. We will refer with our associated doctors/gynaecologists and let you know

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